During a long period of my life my vacations were spent at faraway beaches, long white sand coasts and warm waters. And I returned invigorated. After retirement and some changes in life, that kind of vacations became past memories...
But this year I took a decision and really I will try to have the courage to go on vacations to a beach alone, just by myself!!
It´s the first time I decide to do that for health reasons but also to put myself to the test...
I look forward the day of departure and a certain cloud shades my mind! How will I do by myself with no one to talk and change opinions...
One thing I am sure of... I intend to take lots of sun and rest for all the years that I haven't done it.
On return, may be I have some news to confide to my friendly blog that also keeps me company, and at least some photos to remeber the great achievment... LOOL
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são minha propriedade
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direito de não autorizar a
sua cópia sem meu