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Lisboa, Portugal
Just an ordinary person!

07 July 2009


When fields start colourizing by wilde flowers of various shades I start to feel the calling for open spaces. Never, like on this time of the year, I feel like a bird in a cage! Not having the chance of getting in a car and go on my own wherever whenever I want gives me a totall feeling a failure once more and repeats itself more vividely, intense not to say urgent as each summer goes on and away... I believe it's because I am laking time to do things, go places, each year, as I become older and loose, as did before my chances of a true freedom and selfassurance and indepedancy...
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03 July 2009


During a long period of my life my vacations were spent at faraway beaches, long white sand coasts and warm waters. And I returned invigorated. After retirement and some changes in life, that kind of vacations became past memories... But this year I took a decision and really I will try to have the courage to go on vacations to a beach alone, just by myself!! It´s the first time I decide to do that for health reasons but also to put myself to the test... I look forward the day of departure and a certain cloud shades my mind! How will I do by myself with no one to talk and change opinions... One thing I am sure of... I intend to take lots of sun and rest for all the years that I haven't done it. On return, may be I have some news to confide to my friendly blog that also keeps me company, and at least some photos to remeber the great achievment... LOOL AVISO Todas as fotos publicadas neste blog são minha propriedade e reservo-me o direito de não autorizar a sua cópia sem meu consentimento
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