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Lisboa, Portugal
Just an ordinary person!

23 August 2009


The magic is in the eyes, just as the beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!.. So whenever I look at this tender look and sweet expression, how I envy that cat!If I could have his inquiry, tender look perhaps I would easily enter, soften and conquer the heart of someone I truly love and make him to feel the same!!... It should be very easy...Even cats can do it... I am less than a cat, much less indeed. What a misfortune.
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18 August 2009

My vacations just ended

My vaccations ended just as they started... More expections than true amusement! I learned at least one thing from my decision!! The best of vaccations for old people like me, who go by themselves, no one to talk to... is the planning ,the antecipation, the things that go wrong but should and could went right, though nothing really important! Just the famous Peter's Law!!
But I am back and spite all things I take a positive perpective and I am planing other trip very soon...