My photo
Lisboa, Portugal
Just an ordinary person!

08 March 2010


Really I don't agree a bit with those days of this...days of that...women, mother, father and so on!
We are that  every day of the year, and most of our relatives don't even remember by a simple  phone call, a kiss for nothing special...just because!!
Anyhow here I leave this flowers as a simpe gift for those who think and feel like me... we don't need special days! Those who really love us could (and should) make any day a special day, JUST BECAUSE....

02 March 2010


This picture taken long ago on shower day, and forgotten in the camera... Only today it saw the outside light... When I took a good look at it I saw a tree covered in red fruits (?) clean and bright after the rain... And from me, to myself, I said that we are also able, after those heavy showers that life, sometimes give us, to come out of it to a fresh clean (re)start..We just have to want it!
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