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Lisboa, Portugal
Just an ordinary person!

01 September 2011


No doubt life is full of knots... And some of them, we help people to tie them, by helping them to believe their fantasies! Today , I had a disappointment with an acquaintance , but someone I considered, as someone having at least the basics of civilized contact with others...And it was a knot very well tied up and cared for... At least it fooled me for a long time!! It proved to be mere vanity! It took only a joke, a small child could tell his friends in a birthday party. to bring out the truth and disappointment at same time....To act. as we are not. must have a purpose, for sure, but what? Knots can be untied even with no hands...some ridiculous attitudes are enough! Pity! I truly believed in the package...But now, never more, cause I found out it is a total fake... And I "hate" fakes!
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