Trees leaves are now becoming to these beautiful shades of yellow reddish and falling down making a soft and fluffy carpet where I feel the desire of walking, dancing making them levitate around my feet... And during one of these silly walks I felt so fulfilled and happy that I even believed that I could become like them! In the end of live, still giving some comfort and joy to people we usually cross bye without a look...and also discovered that a smile, a good morning to someone I even don't know the name, can put a nice smile on a face that seemed too much closed, passing by...Takes so little effort and may be my words and smile made that person feel a bit better during the hard day ahead...Must do it more often for the others and also for myself!!
and a smile a day keeps your troubles away! ;)
Desculpe mas só hoje vi o seu comentário...Não são as maçãs? E não teem o efeitodos alhos nos vampiros, só que para médicos???
Ai como eu tenho a minha cabeça... Mal mesmo!!
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